Citroen ds 19 guide - 1955/1966 - french
BOOK IN FRENCH ONLYThe Citroën DS 19 Guide: 1955-1966ETAI EditionsHistory, identification, evolution, restoration, maintenance, conduct.Spearhead of our industry's know-how, the DS 19 will forever remain theflagship of French automobiles.The DS achieved all the objectives of safety, comfort, speed andtransport which expressed the basic rules of Citroën design. Revealingthe thousand and one details which, month by month and year by year,differentiate one DS 19 from another DS 19, such is the aim of thisguide for the use of those who wish to restore their car with love andin the respect for the origin.You will learn to know the DS 19 and its particularities, to identifyeach version.As the DS 19 is not a car like any other, its maintenance is veryatypical. You will discover the tricks yo
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BOOK IN FRENCH ONLYThe Citroën DS 19 Guide: 1955-1966ETAI EditionsHistory, identification, evolution, restoration, maintenance, conduct.Spearhead of our industry's know-how, the DS 19 will forever remain theflagship of French automobiles.The DS achieved all the objectives of safety, comfort, speed andtransport which expressed the basic rules of Citroën design. Revealingthe thousand and one details which, month by month and year by year,differentiate one DS 19 from another DS 19, such is the aim of thisguide for the use of those who wish to restore their car with love andin the respect for the origin.You will learn to know the DS 19 and its particularities, to identifyeach version.As the DS 19 is not a car like any other, its maintenance is veryatypical. You will discover the tricks you can do yourself to maintainyour DS 19. This guide also contains valuable advice on purchasing, aswell as a complete chapter on accessories.Author: Fabien SABATES